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Varicose veins, improves its appearance with aloe vera

Varicose veins are all those veins that, for different reasons, have dilated and part of the blood they lead has been stagnant. This skin condition is usually more visible in the legs, ankles, and feet because those are the farthest parts of the body from the heart. They have a blue or purple color and are sometimes very annoying to the touch and can even cause some pain, especially after standing for a long time or sitting.

Varicose veins

Why do they appear and who suffers from them?

Although it is more common among women, many men also suffer from them. They can be of genetic origin, arise during pregnancy, overweight, by impact sports or by the type of work, which forces you to spend a lot of time in the same position (standing or sitting).

Another reason may be sedentary lifestyle or consumption of oral contraceptives that, due to the amount of estrogens, produce a state of hypercoagulation.

For most of those who suffer from varicose veins, apart from an unsightly condition, it is very annoying that it can cause pain and inflammation. Therefore, if no solution is made since they appear, they can become dangerous and end up needing surgical intervention.

Varicose veins

Aloe, immediate relief

In addition to improving its appearance, aloe vera calms, reduces fatigue and tension in addition to exerting an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.

Products such as Gel Relax cold-heat with arnica and harpagofito helps to maintain blood circulation in good conditions also thanks to arginine and acemannan of aloe vera in its composition.

In addition, it reduces itching, tingling or the sensation of heat thanks to its soothing and refreshing power.

Varicose veins

Varicose veins, avoid them

In a complementary way with the use of aloe vera, to reduce or avoid the appearance of varicose veins, it is necessary to carry out a healthy and balanced diet where vegetables and fruits abound.

It is also a good option to massage the affected areas on a regular basis, exercise and drink a good amount of water a day, as it increases fluidity of blood and eliminate waste.

In this sense, experts also recommend not wearing too tight clothes, in the case of women avoid wearing heels for a long period of time, do not smoke or change their posture regularly and take small breaks to stretch their legs.